Or should I say early this morning.....sigh.
Well actually it's her 2nd, the first first one was a couple months ago, she put it in a corner and it got away.....into the wall...where it later died..and well ya know...smelled for awhile.
So last night wee hours of the morning was crash bang boom upstairs, I'm thinking either burglar or Cat, was so tired with a cold(or is is allergies?) I voted it's the Cat and all is safe, tried to ignore the noise and went back to sleep. Burglar would have tripped over the Cat anyways.......
After she had her breakfast she presented us with her bounty, left it front of the stove, I think she was *confused when Hubby took it outside to put it out of it's misery instead of cooking it for her. ??
Anywho ....she is PROUD..Doing her LOOK at me antic more than usual.
She is also somewhat jumpy.....well I told her ya know that mousy can come back to haunt you.
I didn't think she would listen to me lol.